Intergenerational Research: Reports & Books
Bringing the Generations Together: Support from Learning Theory
Is there any evidence to suggest that intergenerational religious experiences are especially beneficial for faith and spiritual development in children? And, if so, why might intergenerational religious experiences contribute significantly to children’s faith journeys Holly Catterton Allen addresses the role of learning theory in intergenerational experiences by examining: (a) definitions of intergenerational concepts, (b) an overview of existing research that examines the effects of intergenerational Christian experiences, and (c) scriptural support for intergenerational community.
Communion across Generations: The Challenge & Promise of Inter-generational Dialogue
In this presentation, Patricia Wittberg describes the characteristics of Catholic Millennials (and younger Gen Xers) and the importance of and possibilities for engaging in cross-generational conversations aimed at increasing an understanding of generational cultures within the Catholic Church and eliminating the stereotypes generations have of each other. Her suggestions can apply to all denominations. (CatholicCommonGround.orG)
An Ecumenical Study of Lifelong Faith Formation
This project was designed to discover effective practices, new insights, and key challenges in lifelong faith formation across denominations; learn about what congregations are doing to provide faith formation in intergenerational, the age-specific setting, and family settings; and review effective models for lifelong faith formation, which are being implemented in congregations.
From Generation to Generation: A Case Study on Factors in the Family and Faith Community Impacting Faith Development
Kathie Amidei presents a summary of a unique research study she did with a large Catholic church that has both a Catholic school and an intergenerational-family faith formation program. Her research explores the perceptions of parents about the factors that impact their own and their families’ faith formation. The results are sometimes affirming of what we already know and other times quite surprising.
Intergenerational Faith Formation Today: It’s Impact and Sustainability
This article reports on a very recent survey completed by experienced intergenerational practitioners in churches around the country. The survey reveals the most important practices that churches do in order to sustain intergenerational faith formation over time. The survey also identified the significant challenges for the future of intergenerational ministries.
Christian Education Journal: Intergenerational Ministry
Families and Faith: How Religion is Passed Down Across Generations
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, and Serving Faithfully
Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community and Worship